I help you to recognize your self worth, find the transformation you are looking for individually, in your Therapy Practice, or as a holistic practitioner!
- 1 to 1 coaching
- Weekly Group Sessions
- Helping you figure out your why
- Helping you design your niche that feels right for you
- Lessons and Homework
- Aligning your intentional daily practice
What is involved:
- Your commitment to yourself and/or your holistic practice.
- Honing in on your niche and your why
- Doing the homework / following our well laid out plan
- Asking the question
- The right mindset and the right coach. With you all the way!
How can a coach help you?
- Grow your Counselling, Therapy or Holistic Services Practice?
- Is your energy bringing you the clients you want?
- Are you struggling with a Life Transition OR changing vocations
- Are you looking for a new beginning?
- Life losses, changes and opportunities to realize your dreams?
- Why wait, let me help you live your best life now!