A variety of holistic services are offered to help you on your path to wellness. Psychotherapy/Counselling, Spiritual Medium, Reiki & Certification, Spiritual Care, AO Scan Biofeedback, Classes and Workshops, Meditation, Transformative Coaching & PEMF Infinity Mat healing. Free consultations available.
Karen is a Registered Psychotherapist working with children, teens & adults, couples & families. Services: Psychotherapy, Psychic Medium, Reiki, AO Scan Biofeedback Sessions, Energy Healing, Karen worked as a teacher/principal, as an End of Life Doula, ED in hospice and now practices Psychotherapy in Orillia & Barrie. Karen has recently published two books, available in the website's resource section. Karen empowers you to live your best life.
Intuitive & Mediumship Dev. Classes ONLINE!
All levels welcome
6 weeks online program
Explore Intuitive Gifts through Color and Interactive activities. Engaging, fun.
Spiritual topics and Discussion.
Psychic & Mediumship development.
January 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11
Tues., 7:00-8:45 p.m. EST
Mastering ADHD: Discover the Keys to Productivity & Connection! Available Now!
Mastering ADHD Course
Order my Newly Released Book and sign up for this Course
Coming in 2025!
Book: Light Your Path Forward
Check out the Resources section.
Register Today:
Reiki Training is back & Energy Shares too!
Energy Share:
Reiki Level 1: 8 hrs
Reiki Level 2: 8 hrs.
Reiki Master: 8 hrs.
Master/Teacher: 8 + 4 hrs
Did you know Spiritual Healing & Wellness refers to how you feel about yourself, your life and how you see yourself interacting with the world around you. Our Spiritual Wellness is as important as our Emotional, Physical and Mental Well being.
When one of these is out of balance it can throw us off course, we can become sick and unwell. I invite you to take part in our classes or coaching program. Learn about yourself, find your soul purpose, learn how to change your mindset, your thoughts, intuition and actions.
End of Life Care: Advance Care Planning, Help Navigating the Health care system, Aging parents and Long Term Care, Chronic illness., Quality of Life. We are here to listen and offer guidance.
Readings are meant to help people heal emotionally, spiritually and provide you with evidence that life carries on.
Conversations with you are spiritually guided from the moment the session begins and are based on your needs: intuitive, psychic and/or mediumship. One or Two mediums to guide you with unique take home drawings. Book your session today.
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