Psychotherapy & Counselling in Orillia & Barrie

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is an energy modality that can help bring the body into harmony by relieving emotional and physical blockages and eliminating imbalances.

Individual Sessions in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. Sessions are available on Mon., Tues, Wed. & Fri. in Orillia, Ontario

Reiki + Biofeedback

1.5 hr, $222.00

Intuitive Reiki

60 min. $130.00

Reiki is gentle, non-invasive, safe, easy and a natural alternative.

Reiki, pronounced Ray-Key is Japanese consisting of two words – Rei and Ki representing Universal (rei)and Life Force Energy (Ki). Reiki harmonizes and balances the body, mind and spirit.

A Reiki practitioner is taught different hand positions, along with drawn or spoken sacred Reiki symbols and is intuitively guided in each session.

The client lies fully clothed on a massage table, while listening to soothing music. The Reiki practitioner places their hands lightly, on or above the client in several hand positions from head to toe. 

This universal life force energy is spiritually guided and comes from source. These hand positions along with sacred symbols facilitate the flow of energy.

Reiki may help to:

  • reduce anxiety and stress
  • detox and cleanse
  • release physical or emotional blocks within the body
  • ease insomnia and fears 
  • release emotional sadness and grief
  • accelerate recovery from medical procedures
  • minimize your sense of helplessness from dis-ease or trauma in today’s society
  • leave you feeling lighter, happier and at peace within yourself

Reiki may help to:

  • so relaxed I fell asleep
  • felt so peaceful and calm
  • saw colors and beautiful images
  • felt as though they were floating
  • was able to let go of built up emotions
  • felt more energized afterwards
  • aches and pains had lessened
  • slept well
  • very comfortable, easy to chat to, the coaching before and after really helped alot 
  • found peace and comfort in the intuitive reading and guidance they received afterwards
  • felt they were on the path to emotional well being

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