Psychotherapy & Counselling in Orillia & Barrie

Evidential Medium

Energy Healing, Psychic & Mediumship Readings Online & In-person readings available, Orillia, Ontario

A woman is standing in a field with her arms outstretched.

Evidential Readings

Readings are meant to provide evidence and assist people on their healing journey

Conversations with you are spiritually guided from the moment the session begins.

Sessions: 25 minutes or 55 minutes

Evidential Readings provide "evidence" that you would know but the person doing the reading would not know. This helps you to trust that the information is not from the medium.

Sessions: Psychic or Mediumship or a combination ~whatever your soul needs!

Mediumship: Messages from Spirit

What readings are not: Readings are not meant to determine how you live your life. We are here to live life to the fullest and experience all the emotions that go with it, including healing on all levels.

What readings are: Readings are meant to help you on your healing journey, not to replace the work you will need to do to continue mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. socially. It might help you get curious!

Classes: will help you develop your intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities but more importantly they will help you improve your skills in communication and build better relationships. Through use of guided meditation and interactive activities you will become empowered to live your best life.

I’ve been intuitive for a long time but didn’t always believe what I knew. I had dreams of things happening before they happened and I had a knowing about people, without proof with no explanation for it. I have been trained by some of the best mediums globally and am humbled and grateful. I am in awe of how spirit teaches us to become more aware. I now receive messages and pay more attention to the signs and information. I can help you do the same.

Questions? Perhaps this information will guide you.

  • What is the difference between a psychic reading and a Mediumship reading?

    A psychic reading provides you with information from your past, present, future or current situation and what might support you as you move forward. 

    A mediumship reading is when the reader/medium connects you with people that have died and are now in the spirit world.

  • Are psychic readings coming from spirit or from the psychic reading your energy?

    Psychic readings come from you, our energy and aura, and the reader will provide evidence that they would not otherwise know about you or your situation. Information may come from spirit about your path.

  • What kind of reading will receive?

    The reader/medium will determine what your soul needs. 

    People may want one kind of reading or another, but what your soul needs is how to move forward in your life, what is blocking or hindering you. 

    Or maybe the person really needs to hear from their loved one. 

    You may want to see what comes through in a reading and wait until 10 - 15 minutes before the end to ask the medium if you want to hear from someone specific.

  • How often should I have a reading?

    Your purpose is to live life, experience it, the emotions, happy and sad times and everything in between! 

    It is okay to want a reading but when it becomes a habit e.g. looking for several readings in a short period of time, the medium should be advising you to live your life. 

    Perhaps what you seek is counselling or grief work. 

  • My family are skeptical about readings. They don’t believe in them?

    When it comes to readings people are generally skeptical. It’s okay to be a skeptic, in fact you should be. It is the duty of the medium to give you evidence that the information they are bringing through is accurate, information that they would not know about you or your situation.

  • What am I suppose to say during a reading?

    Spiritual Mediums prefer that you answer with Yes, No, I don’t know, or I Can See Why You Would Say That, without providing any details. Questions or additional information may be provided to the medium at the end of the reading

  • What do I do if I don’t understand the information the reader provides?

    Sometimes a Medium will bring through information that is accurate but the sitter, that’s you, doesn’t understand it. Then later you may remember something about the information provided. 

    More than likely the medium may bring though information that you understand more than the medium, for example the significance of a particular item. 

    A reader may say “I’ll leave that with you” for you to ponder later.

  • Is everyone intuitive?

    Yes, we all have the ability but often don’t pay attention to it. Some people are better at paying attention to the information they are receiving “the gut feeling”. Everyone can develop their intuitive skills. For many their beliefs, cultural or religious affiliations prevent them from exploring this aspect. 

    Being aware of how we receive information can really help us out in our daily lives

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